
Day ? : Now

So, I don’t want to ignore the elephant in the room, I was supposed to bring you on this journey but, well you know what but is. TWO YEARS! That is just incredible. The last letter I wrote to you was about being deliberate and when I reread it, I’m not going to lie, I was quite perplexed that those were my words, like how??? To anyone who read that and felt something, I’m so happy that my words can be that impactful but anyway, I’m mumbling. Two years…wow, can I really say that anything has changed? I mean with me not like the world cause hellooo? 2020 has been questionable in many ways already and we just got to July. First, a virus (Covid-19) came, fully pillaged the world and brought it to a literal numbing halt. Then there was the huge atrocity that was the murder of George Floyd (RIP King!) that was so unbearable to witness and so heart breaking. Also, remember the Engineering degree I told you I was in college for? Well let’s just say it got a lot worse and then got better. I’m now the proud holder of a Bachelor of Engineering degree that nearly cost me more than I was willing to give. Before that though I actually got a great job for a Language school, I really enjoyed myself, I worked there for a year. My manager, funniest and funnest guy ever. Also, I don’t think WordPress is even a thing anymore (if it ever was, I don’t know, I love it here though) cause people don’t really read, they TikTok now, super catchy and cool. What else… I’d tell you about my “love life” but that’ll just be cringe so we’ll leave it for another day.

So far, my life has been pretty much to the book, I lost friends, gained amazing new ones, gained weight, I started writing my book again because, the virus, quarantine, scroll up a little. Everyone had to stay home for a bit (it felt like a lot more than a bit but we’ll leave it at that for now). I know, I know, we’re leaving a lot for later but content people, I need to take things in little strides. I still love to write at night time… it’s currently 3:54 am in Dublin right now, I can hear a drizzle outside so yeah, Dublin. I’m at a point in my life where everything just seems so slow and by slow I mean I feel like I’m not moving and my clock work is stuck (have you read my post called Clock Work by the way). Anyway, at some point I did let it really affect my mood and I would always wake up feeling very conflicted as to why I even bother. Some days were better that others but right now I feel whole, like I’m living my seconds and it feels very comfortable. I’m currently job hunting and moving house so that’s happening. I try to pace myself so that I have time to Stop. Sync. Savor. Smile, (I’ll write a post about that someday). Those words really help me revive my mojo. I haven’t graduated yet in terms of the actual ceremony but I’m sure that’ll happen soon enough, hopefully.

Anyway Nreaders, I hope you still remember that the “N” is always silent but very much present. This was just an update day after so many days away, just a check in more or less. I would love to know how you are doing in the comments and if you’d like to subscribe please do because there will be more content as you can probably tell from me putting everything off. My letters will keep coming as long as I can write them. I’m also hoping to share some more of my poems here as well, etc. we’ll see. Stay Safe, keep being 1000% you and don’t you ever forget that your time is now.

By Naey

I am what I write. In the text, in the black and white, or whatever colours you see in because it's your choice. Hey? Choose wisely ;)